Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Beautiful Wednesday??


There is a huge risk of overreaction today -- either on your part, or on the part of the people you are talking to. You can't anticipate how other people will react, so do not try to censor yourself in anticipation of a blowout. You will only end up confusing yourself and diluting your message. It's a much better strategy to carry on as you normally would, and deal with any emotional outbursts as they come. Roll with the punches and you might even have fun coming up with a solution.

What huge risk overreaction??Having a headache now...Surfing online reading fanfics..Gonna renew my FZ membership today.I'll do it later..

Oh I was just thinking..More to I have thought about this before.That I should write down my dreams.Dreams as in when u r sleeping. Ok i had a dream this morning, I've had this kind of dream before. Well it was where I am pregnant. I can feel my stomach and it was hard. But no husband appeared..I dreamed of being pregnant like three times already..But the 1st two was long ago. But all i remembered was i was happily pregnant but i don't seem to know if a husband exists.Aisshh..Well i dont knw what it meant. But i hope it is something good.'s now 3.30pm.I'm still reading fanfics and watching video on youtubes.I'm obsessed with Jaeho now.I am always obsessed with everything.hehehe... to stop now.Need to read fanfics..
Oh What a beautiful Wednesday... Huh I wish..
(I wish..I wish..I wish..)

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